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Dangerous Dogma

Aug 24, 2022

Jemar Tisby, a historian and author, talks with Word&Way President Brian Kaylor about his books How to Fight Racism and The Color of Compromise. He also discusses his response to a recent controversy at Grove City College, his new "Those Meddling Kids" video series on anti-CRT efforts in Christian higher education, and...

Aug 17, 2022

Bob Smietana, a national reporter for Religion News Service, talks with Word&Way President Brian Kaylor about his new book Reorganized Religion: The Reshaping of the American Church and Why it Matters. He also discusses the impact of COVID-19, politics, and cultural trends on religious life.

Note: Don't forget to check...

Aug 11, 2022

Greg Carey, a professor of New Testament at Lancaster Theological Seminary, talks with Word&Way President Brian Kaylor about issues of biblical interpretation and current events. He also discusses the book of Revelation and his book Using Our Outside Voice: Public Biblical Interpretation.

Note: Don't forget to check out...

Aug 3, 2022

Thomas Lecaque, professor of history at Grand View University, talks with Word&Way President Brian Kaylor about alarming issues of religious and political support for violence. He also discusses the importance of studying history. Some of his recent work include pieces in The Bulwark, Religion Dispatches, Salon, and